Abuzar Islamic Institute provides guidance to the seekers of religious knowledge worldwide so that they can easily study the syllabus of Dars-e-Nizami and can play role in the spread of the religion( Islam). Keeping in mind the modern times necessities’ and the physical growth and educational activities of students the syllabus is designed to keep it all concurrent. The syllabus is however designed in a way that it will prove to be very helpful in attaining creative abilities ‘positive thinking’ and success.
train such scholars
To train such scholars who will act according to their knowledge and conduct.
guide the new generation
To guide the new generation of Muslims according to the teachings of Islam.
fight against thoughts
To enforce positive guidance in order to fight destructive and misleading thoughts.
Learn Arabic language
To provide guidance to learn and understand the Arabic language in order to make it easy to understand and grasp the knowledge of Quran and Sunnah
save the generation
To save the generation from falling a prey to the western model of education and to guide them to the right path.
- To solve the composition of the book.
- To make the central idea of the topic interesting.
- To make the translation and understanding of different topics and queries really simple and convenient during the learning lecture.
- To make sure that the student grasp and memorize the central idea and the summary of the topic completely.
- To ensure the literacy rate.
- To complete the syllabus and to provide proper education and best manners.
1st Year
- Quranic Translation (1-5 Juz)
- Ilm-ul-Tajweed
- Qanoon-e-Shariat
- Nahaw Meer
- Nisab-ul-Sarf
- Tareeqa-e-Jadida
2nd Year
- Quranic Translation (6-12-Juz)
- Noor-ul-Izah
- Riaz-ul-Saliheen
- Tasheel-ul-Insha
- Hidaya-tul-Nahaw
- Sharah-e-Miata Amil
3rd Year
- Quranic Translation (13-20-Juz)
- Taleem-ul-Mantiq
- Duroos ul Balagha
- Usool-ul-Shashi
- Mishkat Shareef
- Seerat-e-Rasool Arabi
4th Year
- Tafseer-e-Jalalain (21-30 Juz)
- Al Aqaid wal Masail
- Tahawi Shareef
- Ilm-ul-Miras (Siraji)
- Sharah Nukhbatul Fikr
- Qudoori (Kitab-ul-Biyu)